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April Membership Meeting

Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association

Date: 4/8/25

Location: The Recovery Village Cherry Hill @ Cooper Hospital

761 Cuthbert Blvd,


Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

Title of presentation: The Neurobiology of Addiction”


1. Discuss the definition of Addiction

2. Discuss the factors leading to Addiction

3. Discuss the basic neurobiology of Addiction

4. Discuss components of treatment

Name (s), credentials, title, affiliation, and biographical information of presenters pertaining to their background to address the objectives:

Dr. Ryan Schmidt, MD, FASAM Dr. Schmidt is the Medical Director at The Recovery Village Cherry Hill at Cooper and an Instructor of Medicine and Addiction Medicine Physician at Cooper University Hospital. Dr. Schmidt is board certified in both internal medicine and addiction medicine. He is a member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), the American College of Academic Addiction Medicine, and the ASAM Physician-in-Training Committee. He is a previous recipient of the ASAM Ruth Fox Scholarship. He is a certified buprenorphine training instructor through Provider Clinical Support System (PCSS) and has participated in multiple trainings at CUHC as well as NJ State Trainings. He has had multiple poster presentations at the ASAM National Conference on topics including HCV Screening in those undergoing inpatient SUD treatment and co-prescribing naloxone in primary care patients on chronic opiates. He is also the Program Director for Cooper’s ACGME accredited Addiction Medicine Fellowship.

Facilitator: Dr. Ryan Schmidt, MD, FASAM

2.0 Credits: PDH, CEU’s

9:30 Networking

10:00 Introductions

10:00-12:00 Presentation

12:00 Announcements

Food: Continental Breakfast provided by The Recovery Village at Cooper Hospital

Overview of Training: Discuss the definition of addiction, the factors leading to addiction, the basic neurobiology of addiction, and the components of treatment. Illustrate the NJAOPS commitment to provide independent, needs-based education that fosters change in physicians’ knowledge, competence, and performance to ultimately improve patient outcomes. Foster the translation of evidence-based science into daily clinical practice. Provide training in clinical diagnostics & procedures, including osteopathic manipulative techniques presented in self-paced and hands-on format.

Mailing Address for presenter(s): 761 Cuthbert Blvd, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

March 11

March Membership Meeting

May 13

May Membership Meeting