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May Membership Meeting

Greater Philadelphia Chapter of the Employee Assistance Professionals Association



Date:         5/13/25                             


Location:  Mirmont Treatment Center

                  100 Yearsley Mill Rd

                  Lima, PA 19063


Title of presentation: First Responders: What we Need, Why we Need it, and How we provide it.


1. To display the need for Cultural Competence when working with First Responders

2. Educate on the types of stresses, physical and psychological, faced by First Responders.

3. Understand the types of responses to major events.


Name (s), credentials, title, affiliation, and biographical information of presenters pertaining to their background to address the objectives:

Battalion Chief Thomas Kane, appointed to Philadelphia Fire Department 6/29/1992 Currently the Employee Relations Officer since 9/1/2021 Supervising the EAP. Co-Coordinator and Co-Founder of Local 22 IAFF Peer Support Team, Former Trustee of Local 22 IAFF.  CEAP since 2022.


2.0 Credits: PDH, CEU’s


9:30                 Networking

10:00               Introductions

10:00-12:00    Presentation

12:00               Announcements

12:15-1:00      Board Meeting


Food:              Continental Breakfast provided by Mirmont Treatment Center


Overview of Training: 

We will explore the day-to-day experience of being a Firefighter. What is the make up of folks who take this job and what they bring to the table before day one. We will discuss the training they receive, the expectations placed on them. the types of responses they make and the stressors they face.  We will discuss the expectation that Firefighters will probably need some assistance in the form of therapy because of both what they encounter on the job, and what they have already experienced.  What qualities are required by the “cultural competent” therapists they need.


April 8

April Membership Meeting

June 10

June Membership Meeting